Thursday, May 31, 2007


such a beautiful day!
tho am still tired n sleepy, I'm officially going to start a count down till 2010 ( hehe just kiddin, am sure we got a lot of that around the city).
a count till i start working less days...

13 days-

May our days be blessed!
Peace be onto You,

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

words of Hikma

Love Nature-

that is love who you are
know what you want-
where you're leading.

see the good in life
the positives i mean
not the this or that.

be kind n gentle
loving and humble

give a soulful smile
keep your words
n honor your kin.

smell the flower
inhale the air
be ever grateful
To the most Great.


H.M ( with Salams-

Monday, May 28, 2007


1) Zikr keeps away the Satan and weakens his strength.
2) It is the cause of Almighty Allah’s pleasure.
3) It relieves the mind of anxieties and worries.
4) It produces joy and happiness in the heart.
5) it strengthens the body and mind.
6) It brightens the face and heart.
7) It attracts one’s subsistence.
8) It induces love for Allah, which in fact is the spirit of Islam and the pivot of “Deen”, and the source of success and salvation in the Hereafter. He who seeks access to the love of Almighty Allah should do Zikr profusely. Just as reading and repetition is the door of knowledge, so Zikr of Allah is the gateway to His love.
9) Zikr of Allah causes one’s mention in the Court of Allah, as said in the Holy Book.
(Remember Me, and I will remember you), and as stated in the Hadith (whosoever remembers Me in his heart, I remember him in My heart). It has already been explained under other verses and Ahadith that, even if there were no other good points in Zikr, except that mentioned above, this alone would have established its superiority over others. Nevertheless, there are many more virtues and benefits of Zikr.
10) It helps realization of Allah so that by and by a stage is reached when he comes to regard Almighty Allah as his sole Cherisher, Guardian and Master, and he turns unto Him, in all afflictions.
11) It is the key to nearness to Almighty Allah; the greater the Zikr, the greater the nearness to Allah, and greater the indifference to Zikr, the greater the distance from him.
12) It gives life to the heart. Hafiz Ibn Tamimia says that Zikr is as necessary for the heart as water for the fish. Imagine the condition of a fish out of water.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

my hands will speak for me

Such a long day, but alhamdulilah almost over. I was coming back from new west when a couple boarded and they were immensely talking to each other. Yet, no words came out of their mouths for their hands did the job. I saw so much serenity in them... and wondered what the world would be like without all the noise pollution- no more of those people (annoying) chatting on their cells mostly about nothing, no more of all the unwanted things that we hear every other day as we commute... just amazing.
However i tried, it proved hard to block the outside I try this: Block the noise from within-


hmmmm, verily @ peace

Friday, May 18, 2007

Why do we read Quraan, even if we can't understand a single Arabic word????
Here is a beautiful story:

An old American Muslim lived on a farm in the mountains of eastern Kentucky with his young grandson.
Each morning Grandpa was up early sitting at the kitchen table reading his Quraan.
His grandson wanted to be just like him and tried to imitate him in every way he could.
One day the grandson asked, "Grandpa! I try to read the Qur'an just like you but I don't understand it,and what I do understand I forget as soon as I close the book.
What good does reading the Qur'an do?" The Grandfather quietly turned from putting coal in the stove and replied, "Take this coal basket down to the river and bring me back a basket of water.
" The boy did as he was told, but all the water leaked out before he got back to the house.
The grandfather laughed and said, "You'll have to move a little faster next time," and sent him back to the river with the basket to try again.
This time the boy ran faster, but again the basket was empty before he returned home. Out of breath, he told his grandfather that it was impossible to carry water in a basket, and he went to get a bucket instead.
The old man said, "I don't want a bucket of water; I want a basket of water.
You're just not trying hard enough," and he went out the door to watch the boy try again.
At this point, the boy knew it was impossible, but he wanted to show his grandfather that even if he ran as fast as he could, the water would Leak out before he got back to the house.
The boy again dipped the basket into river and ran hard, but when he reached his grandfather the basket was again empty. Out of breathe, he said, "See Grandpa, it's useless!"
"So you think it is useless?" The old man said, "Look at the basket." The boy looked at the basket and for the first time realized that the basket was different. It had been transformed from a dirty old coal basket and was now clean, inside and out.
"Son, that's what happens when you read the Qur'an.You might not understand or remember everything, but when you read it, you will be changed, inside and out.That is the work of Allah in our lives."

( such a nice reminder...)

Thursday, May 17, 2007

in the Name of Thy Lord,

the days are longer and warmer... sunnier; after longing so much for a break from school, now am kinda longing for a break from work :(
although i enjoy my work so much to the point that i am aspiring to begin a designing company(me n my crazy thoughts, but mind ya` anything is possible); i get frustrated by those stubborn customers whose sole purpose seems to be trying the whole store and walk out without saying 'thank you' or rather 'sorry i made so much mess'. Worse yet, its when i find an empty hanger or an item missing that i totally lose respect for some people. All the same a customer is always a customer so I put on my smile and greet them as they enter and see them good bye as they leave.
and here is where i learned a life lesson. You never know where one if coming from i.e. their circumstances... put in other words its just the clothes that we wear that make us look rich, hot or poor; but what makes us humane is something totally different than what we look like...or how we dress...
the second thing i also gained from my job is that i expanded on the horizon of talking to people from different walks of life.

Memories made every second, lessons learned all the time, faces change, time passes... what will remain is the beauty from within...

Peace be On to YoU;

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


this is to honour my Best-est' Friend! Happy birth day

may the year be filled with so much joy

so much love and some more light;

may you be blessed

from the one above-

may you shine just like the moon

may you elevate in knowledge-

wisdom n beauty-

than you already are.

So much love Habibty!



free to be free (?)
dead to be alive
hate to love
hunger for satiety
war for peace-

two faces - stitched on one
yet one soul
a soul-a nafs*
you know-
the me, myself and the I.

Friday, May 4, 2007


in the mirror i saw an image
of the mirror itself
reflected on its surface

a glass so pure
light passed through it
as it opened its heart to speak-
i mean the mirror.

( poems pass a lot of message... perceive it in your own beloved ways...)
