Tuesday, April 29, 2008

"In Search of Freedom"

What about our internal capacity that affect our decision? Do we not have a strong attachment to our desires and impulses, which sometimes make us act according to emotions instead of reason? If the aim of any theory is to guide us to true freedom, it must account for the inner dimension of freedom.

(an excerpt from The Fountain
an enlightening magazine.)

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Another beautiful day out, another blessed venture.

Peace Be Unto You

Saturday, April 26, 2008

September 1, 1939

All I have is a voice
To undo the folded lie,
The romantic lie in the brain
Of the sensual man-in-the-street
And the lie of Authority
Whose buildings grope the sky:
There is no such thing as the State
And no one exists alone;
Hunger allows no choice
To the citizen or the police;
We must love one another or die.

(W. H. Auden)

I was watching "Tuesdays with Morrie". Morrie's recital of Auden's poem was one of the nicest part of the movie. Poems are very powerful, and often loaded with so much meaning.
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Dreams. I love it when I dream of people I've missed so much and I talk to them...and when I awake it fills me with peace. It was an interesting dream, having dreamt my late grandpa (we had some special memories), and last night he asked me how come I haven't called him in such a long time and reassured me he is doing fine where he is. So now I know how he is...may Allah bless him with peace. I once heard that when we sleep our souls depart from us and we soar up into the heavens and whomever we're destined to meet, we'll see them in our dreams (i don't know how true this is, but i'm glad dreams exist).

It is such a beautiful day out!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Fajr (The Break of Day)

Man is apt to forget the contrasts
In nature and life, and all that they mean
In his spiritual growth. Perchance his mind
Is so absorbed in what he sees,
That he doubts the vast Realities
He does not see. The Present makes
Him Blind to the Past and to the Future.
Fooled by glory, he fears not a fall;
And baulked in disaster, he gives up Hope
And sometimes faith. Let him study
Nature and History, and restore his Faith:
Realising the Sure Event, the Hereafter,
Let him find his fullest fulfilment
In the service and the good-pleasure of God!

(A.Y. Ali, 1946)

"By the Break of Day" (Qur'an 89)
Four striking contrasts are mentioned , to show God's Power and justice, and appeal to "those who understand". The first is the glory of the Break of Day. It just succeeds the deepest dark of the night, when the first ray of light break through. Few people except those actually in personal touch with nature can feel its compelling power. In respect both of beauty and terror, of hope and inspiration, of suddenness and continuing increase of light and joy, this 'holy time' of night may well stand as the type of spiritual awakening from darkness to Faith, from Death to Resurrection.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Year of Surprises

in the depth of your hopes and desires lies your silent knowledge of the beyond;
and like seeds dreaming beneath the snow your heart dreams of spring.
trust in your dreams ...


Monday, April 7, 2008

i'll buy me some a's and c's

yeah, that was how my exam went...although i reasoned it was an "educated guess". and then what follows is an "oh-well" sigh; pretty bad, God knows what I'm in for this year.
I won't confess too much about what other things I'm messing-up with, sufficient enough to note though that I'm aware of this mess (hah, first stage of problem solving set--problem identification!)

K, i'll stop joking around...all i can think of right now is a nap and then some genetics. bah!

(fast-forward myself to a warm and fresh season, watching the 'jay-squirrling' of those cute rodents, they amaze me so much...

Friday, April 4, 2008

Inna Li Lahi, Wa Inna Ileyhi Rajiun

you just keep moving, until one day you hear a story that will change you forever
until those few words sink deep within your soul...

you still keep moving though, 'cause those words fade away
in layers of mist from all around you...

you keep moving on, though deep within your soul you hear a cry
-a plead of respite

you keep pushing on, you keep fighting on for nothing
until you hear a story that will wake you

but you still keep movin' on
and moving on to the unknown
with what is left in you.


(I must say these few words because every time I hear somebody has left to the 'known-unknown', it reminds me of so many things. May Allah have Mercy Upon us, the living, and Upon those who left us behind. Allahuma Irhamhum, Wa Ijal Nuran Lehum Fi Quburihim, Ya Arham-Arahimin_

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

a beautiful day!

Yes is a pleasant country,
ifs wintery (my lovely)
lets open the year.
Both is the very weather
(not either) my treasure,
when violets appear.
Love is a deeper season than reason;
my sweet one
(and aprils where we're)

Txted on 24/09/07 @ 8:34 PM

(that was so cute, so i saved it. So here is a cherry blossom for your wonderful-ness! :D )