Thursday, August 13, 2009


missing in action in regards to posts and a few other things in life lately. Alhamdulilah Ramadan is here and very excited about that. Here is something I would like to share about these oft repeated ayahs:
O you who believe! Observing fast is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you that you may attain piety. ...He does not want to make things difficult for you. ...and that you must exalt Allah for having guided you so that you may be grateful to Him. [al-baqara: 183-185]
the most interesting aspect about these verses is that besides being very clear about what one should achieve from fasting (piety in general terms), it outlines a very simple yet most forgotten issue and that is GUIDANCE. Imagine having no guidance and what the end result would be like. Every aspect of worship always comes back to this very entity of spirituality, i.e. guidance and how important it is to have it. Thus one should make the sincerest effort to prove to Allah that s/he is worth the blessing.

And insha'Allah with Ramadan, we have more reason to be grateful as it is full of blessings and infinite Mercy.

Peace & Blessings