Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Where Have i BEen?

Assalamu Aleykum to All,

time passes really fast... or as my father always said, that i'm not using my time effectively. Perhaps that might be it...

yes, I am here in Dallas now... such a hot, muggy weather. The imbalance of the T. indoors and outdoor is way apart that i ended up getting a flu..or perhaps it might have been that airplane i took... ( boy was the lavatory ever dirty!)

Saturday, I went to downtown D. and also to an aquarium... talking about aquariums and zoos... it is most likely that i would never want to be going to these places ever again.... the poor animals are caged up for 'human pleasure'. Though one might argue that it is educational, i say otherwise since not a lot of people make a use of those touch screen info PCs. Besides, the most repugnant of all is that these Animals are not even close to their natural habitat. I'll give an example, there were some penguins and imagine a penguins in a desert land such as Dallas! A Jaguar locked up in a glassy cage with the size so small for a large animal like itself (its probably wondering what all these two-feet animals are staring at him for) what a way to show respect for Animal rights.... (such a pathetic joke)

anyway... i haven't been feeling all too well since Saturday, but thank GOD.... the flu is subsiding.

Moving on, yes we were talking about how time is flying... I guess we are all inherently aware that there is a truth waiting for us at the end of the journey... perhaps that's why we all feel the need to do things effectively... and make use of our time. (Just a thought)

I hope our days will be filled with knowledge.

Peace Be on to you

1 comment:

Umm ML said...

Hiku I miss you thiiiiiiiiiiiis much!! I hope you're busy enjoying Dallas ;) I totally agree with you regardind the zoo thing :( We talked about it in my Enviro. Geo class and it's pretty sad. Call me soon! wasalam, fi aman Allah habibti