Monday, September 10, 2007

in ThE woRdS of A bROken heArt...

(you would be thinking destyn's child, hah, i ain't singin that tho)

today made ME think, that our mind is soo vast (like the sky), so unattainable even to ourselves. the five senses feed us with info from our surrounding, but do they do the exact opposite??

only words, spoken words, parts of speech, and yet there remains the unfinished- that which remains in the mind, that which was never told, that which words can never describe, that which only belongs to me and I choose to share it with my Lord, for He surely knows whats in my heart.

"when you feel all alone in this world,
and there's nobody to count your tears,
just remember no matter where you are,
Allah know, Allah knows...
You see, we all have a path to choose,
through the valleys and hills we go,
with the ups and the downs,
never fret, never frown
Allah knows, Allah knows..." (ZAIN & DAVID)

Amazing how things happen so fast, all we end up comprehending is the last bit... forgetting all that which matters... ( this world is even less than a mosquito wing) says my best friend... and i couldn't agree more. All that matters is whom I choose to be, to be grateful for the bounties upon me, and to be and always choose to be 'Hikmet', the descendent of Prophet Adam and child of Hawa (may God bless both of them).
I would want to be just me, the me that is lost in a quest to quench the thirst of 'awareness' and 'life'. That me, that has lost the say of who and what 'Hikmet' is... But Alhamdulilah i have Ramadan upon me, I shall rise and shine, rise and shine to the fullest!

AlHamdulilahi Rabeel Alemin,


1 comment:

Umm ML said...

Love u Hiku!!!
xoxo and salam