Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Assalamu Aleykum to All,

I have been thinking over this for a long time, except that it didn't materialize. Alhamdulilah today, having some space to breath--post midterm--I have created the "sister-blog" to tHe BeAutY WiTh iN, Engaged Surrender.

Just to give everyone the background info on the title: For some unknown reason (I still haven't figured out why) I absolutely adore this title, originally taken from a book "Engaged Surrender" by Carolyn Moxley Rouse. I like the book, yes, but there are books that stand out in my 'read-list', yet Engaged Surrender has my neuron committed.

What would be posted? Anything really, but mostly on the line of what I call "From Inspiration to Perspiration: How to take an active role in who you're". Insha'allah this will also help put my thoughts out. Anything from natural sciences, socials to spirituality.
So make sure you tune in, although posts might take up to two weeks.

I have also been actively involved in getting an interfaith room up here. What amazes me is not what can't be done, but the real bureaucracy that is involved at the administrative level. Alhamdulilah, things do seem to be moving along, although we do need everyone's prayer insha'allah.

1 comment:

Umm ML said...

go for it ;D i'll b happy to read it! love and salams habibti