Friday, October 19, 2007

Bring it Low

So, how is the 'rain-only' week coming up for everyone? It definitely was a long one for me, Alhamdulilah its over - almost.

In today's culture which is changing on a daily basis, it is not a new thing to have some overwhelmed people like myself. Sometimes it is hard what to make of some bizarre styles in different forms. Whereas it is a personal freedom to express oneself as one pleases, it is equally important to have respect for the very nature that makes us humane. Therefore, today's culture can be defined as a 'Bring it on', egoistic and highly materialistic one on a general level. But here is what I like to call it:Highly Lost and a 'Bring it Low'. I mean seriously whats up with the insanity? Whats happened to courtesy? whats with intoxicating oneself? Whats up with driving others to death? I mean I could go on and on, and you all probably know where I am leading with this. (or maybe not :P)
The other day I was listening to this lecture by Dawud Warnsby (Amusing Our Selves to Death) the title originally taken from Postman's book, and the points he made just made me think. (Its a really good one if you can get a hold of it)

We might be claiming personal freedom and whatnot to find an excuse as an escape from reality, but get this people: reality is what is within you to begin with, so guess who you are running away from? YOURSELF! So no drug, no booze, no nothing does it until one change that which is within. And always remember 'what goes up must come down'. I mean one can choose to "Get Rich or Die Trying", but that is just a short-cut to the grave. Those of you who are in the sociology field, or anybody for that matter, know what I am talking about.

Oh youth, energy and passion
Love and hate, all in the air
But who is there to look-up to?

It's a struggle, but no one said it would be easy, so what we need is mentors and elders to look up to.



Umm ML said...

I totally agree w u Hiku... do you have a link to that lec. ??

"While life is becoming easier theoretically it is becoming challanging practically... tension, frustration, depression has become the order of the day. Happiness, joy and prosperity is something of the past. Never mind becoming a victim to some tragedy that might warrent depression - the fears that haunt the mind of the average man is sufficient depression. ...Money can buy a house but not a home, money can buy a bed but not sleep. What has become of you and I when we have come to such a point that when the clock is ticking it disturbs our sleep, when the cat makes noise we get up - but what of that peaceful man who sleeps beneath the tree, shaded by Allah Ta'ala? I wonder who is rich and who is poor?..." (Depression vs. Contentment, lecture by Sulaiman Moola)

hikmet said...

huh, nice one! i'll give you it (lecture).
and i will see if i can find the one you suggested. the thing is that we're part of this society man! and the sweetness, habibty, is that Alhamdulilah we're awaken, our hearts and minds are open and we ought to work harder and fight for awakening or else you see, we'll also be the ones whose "ears, hearts, and eye are sealed" (Qur'an)
Jazai'ki Allahi kheir