Monday, October 8, 2007

Soul Food

The great Sahabas and scholars, may Allah raise their rank, are those whom with great struggle gave us the knowledge that we have today. So it is our duty to praise them every time and learn from their mettle that made them the elite of this great Ummah. Here are some quotes I came across, and may our minds and souls be filled with blessings that we may prosper (amen):
There is no good in prayer without concentration and calmness; there is no good in fasting without refraining from idle talk; there is no good in reading without contemplation; there is no good in knowledge without piety. (Ali Radi Allah Anhu)

Unless you annihilate your selfish lower self of desires and lusts through strict and sincere mujahada (struggle), your heart will never become illuminated with the light of knowledge.

Sincerity is purifying the mind from paying attention to one's fellow creatures. (Abul Qasim Qushayri)

The Islamic law opened the door of vocation in front of the woman such that she may be able to seek refuge through it in case of need and exceptional situations, or such that she may find in her profession an opportunity to convey a message or attend to important (issues). (Shaykh sa'id Ramadan)

A dead heart is the one that does not recognize and like the good and that does not reject and repel the evil. (Ibn Mas'ud Radi Allah Anhuma)

If one is not satisfied with what suffices him, no abundance will ever enrich him. (Omar radi Allah Anhu)
Rabi Ishrah Li Sadri Wa Yasir Li Amri,
Rabi Zidni Ilma.
Hikmet M.

1 comment:

Umm ML said...

Jazak Allah khair for the ilm habibti ;D