Friday, November 2, 2007


Alhamdulilah is the only thing i can seriously say at the moment. We are once again at that time of the semester where things just get overwhelming. Thank God this time i have managed to avoid the 'walking into walls' although i sort of walked into people :p .
Although it is very hard for me to focus and study lately, I am trying my best to prioritize and work harder. I am learning everyday small things that might seem little, but truly helping me be at peace. Four more weeks and school will be done, pretty much. Just until then, hang in there and do whatever it is right. For me, it would be the research paper, which is still in the air (apart from the extensive reading I managed), lecture exam, and a summary paper. And for another classmate, it is 2 lecture exams, research paper, summary paper add to that weekly lab reports and work. Just reminds me that I am actually better off. Alhamdulilah_
In fact I am enjoying my bio class. Today though we did dissection. This two kids were dissecting a pregnant rat (poor rat and little babies) sort of gave me nausea. I understand why we need to be doing dissection, but i don't really agree to the justification behind it. We can still learn the major organs and their functions and perhaps watch a video or serf the web, but to 'dissect for education purpose'? at a first year class? with no immediate implementation of the knowledge. hmmm, I don't know how inspiring/justifiable these sort of labs can be. Well, the fun don't just stop there, we'll do one more dissection of Quail next week. Honestly not looking forward to it. Labs!

Insha'allah soon, I might post some prose writings on Feminism, Islam, or something in that topic. Very interesting issue.

Over all speaking, this term isn't bad after all. So Alhamdulilah would be the best thing to say...

Remember to prioritize and give some time to yourself and that which is important. Tonight, I will take some break from reading and get some decent sleep..

May our days be filled with knowledge,


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