Tuesday, December 25, 2007

an after thought

amazing how things just happen...how we cry and laugh; sleep and wake. Time goes on with or without our awareness, carrying with it those who are ready to move on and leaving others with a lesson to learn. It goes on, time. With or without my laughter or tear, it moves on. It moves on to another chapter, it leads all towards an end. And when looked back with an open heart it gives one the joy there is in all the world, the grief one can never bear; it brings back moments of success, moments of love & life...it takes one to the world of memory. Looking at old pictures, note books, letters, emails, singing old songs, caressing special gifts, and ultimately getting lost in the world of 'old days'...these are just some of the things we all do. Why do we need to go back in time? Why would one want to knock on the door of the mystery and lost memory? Why we crave for the old moments to come back, however sad they may be?? Why would we need to take refuge in the comfort of our mother's hug??? Why the want to see old friends and laugh at silly things???? Why crave yet again for the chicken to go back to the shell, when we know it has already past...

These are just the beginnings of the endless questions to follow...they are just doors towards the vast and unattainable human psyche. They are what I like to call humanness. They are the safe, sweet and solid beginning of who we are...they're the roughnesses, tangents and beauty we all are... because they give us a ground to be, we are. Yet, never will they define us for they are matters of the past which can only mold us...and shape one to treasure that which one is on the very basis of humanity.

ahh, time!

1 comment:

Umm ML said...

Masha'Allah very nice and eloquent post habibti :)