Monday, April 7, 2008

i'll buy me some a's and c's

yeah, that was how my exam went...although i reasoned it was an "educated guess". and then what follows is an "oh-well" sigh; pretty bad, God knows what I'm in for this year.
I won't confess too much about what other things I'm messing-up with, sufficient enough to note though that I'm aware of this mess (hah, first stage of problem solving set--problem identification!)

K, i'll stop joking around...all i can think of right now is a nap and then some genetics. bah!

(fast-forward myself to a warm and fresh season, watching the 'jay-squirrling' of those cute rodents, they amaze me so much...

1 comment:

Umm ML said...

aww hang in there habibit! love: "a warm and fresh season, watching the 'jay-squirrling'" heheh