Friday, April 4, 2008

Inna Li Lahi, Wa Inna Ileyhi Rajiun

you just keep moving, until one day you hear a story that will change you forever
until those few words sink deep within your soul...

you still keep moving though, 'cause those words fade away
in layers of mist from all around you...

you keep moving on, though deep within your soul you hear a cry
-a plead of respite

you keep pushing on, you keep fighting on for nothing
until you hear a story that will wake you

but you still keep movin' on
and moving on to the unknown
with what is left in you.


(I must say these few words because every time I hear somebody has left to the 'known-unknown', it reminds me of so many things. May Allah have Mercy Upon us, the living, and Upon those who left us behind. Allahuma Irhamhum, Wa Ijal Nuran Lehum Fi Quburihim, Ya Arham-Arahimin_

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