Monday, June 30, 2008

sanction this!

Both Canada and the united states are talking about "strong measures" against the elections that took place this past week in Zimbabwe. In fact the US is pushing for sanctions at the security council in the UN. While the election in Zimbabwe was clearly a joke, I question the intention of any organization or body of authority when they say they want to impose sanction on a country whose inflation rate is beyond imagination. What I question goes for the countless citizens who have to secure their family and feed them. Remember the sanction that took basic health necessities away from millions of Iraqi children, and the sanction that is still in effect on Cuba. How can we go on in the name of democracy by defying the very definition of it, or the very intention of "protecting the people"? By denying them the right to better needs? It would do less harm to the government on power, to those corrupt leaders who can still afford to fly a private jet and live lavish lives. However, it does great damage to Humanity, to those mothers who are forced to see their child die on their arms and the fathers whose sense of dignity is ripped. What good is it to blow a horn for all these people about "democracy" while it is their humanity that is raped?! History will testify against all these injustices ...
so then what do they sanction, but deny humanity?!

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