Thursday, January 15, 2009

Attention: Please read on

In the Name of Allah the Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Insha'allah today I'd like to highligh a few amazing things I came across the past few days. As the semester is just getting interesting, I'll be posting less and less (even though that completely depends on how many more engaging things pop-up my they'll be shared).
  • Please make sure you check smilecan, an amazing Canadian (Muslim) organization for the special needs children. (link is also in the left column list) I've always been curious about such initiatives and I came across the website and had a look at it. In a nutshell, they provide educational as well as logistics to support persons of special needs, such as autistic, Down Syndrome, the hearing and sight impaired etc. Even if you are not the kind of person who want to get involved, make sure you make donations, or volunteer your time to any help they might need. This is a great opportunity to channel your energy into something meaningful and local, and insha'allah qualify for Allah's reward (be izni Allah).
Insha'allah I'll try to update ASAP regarding the research I was compiling on Women's Health. For a starter I'll post insha'allah about fatigue and how to curb the problem without any medical intervention. By this, all I mean is looking at the potential causes as outlined in the peer reviewed literature, and potential life style changes ranging from types of food to eat/avoid, changing sleeping habits/conditions, and at last seeking the proper medical attention. I'll give reference for all the citing I'll use and it is my hope that some of you out there will benefit from it, I've surely seen some great improvement in my state.

In the future, I'm interested to develop some kind of resource page/book/help-line for Muslim women when it comes to getting access to health realted topics, such as diet, sexuality, natural birth control, choices during pregnancy and tests (amniocentesis, CVS, genetic screening of fetus), breastfeeding, advanced maternal age, child with special needs, menopause, osteoporosis etc. All these are quite important to any woman and as such as Muslims, I strongly feel that the topics are less dealt with in the proper manner; they are long over-due. Even though this initiative I've in mind is quite big, I'm hopeful that other sisters in the field of Medicine, Nursing, public health, women's studies, women scholars in the Sheria and Fiqh can collaborate. If you are one reading these and are interested, please let me know so we may develop it further (or if you happen to know somebody who will be interested in this, please pass on the message). I've thought of a blogpost, but with millions of blogs out there it is likely that the message will not reach the target audience and eventually get lost. Any thoughts, anybody??

Peace & Blessings to All.


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